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    Summary:  The formula is used to depend on something, and the values of that depicted environment is allowed to succeed through the compliments of any surrounding area of effect.  This graph may depict solutions that are being done, also indirectly using animation to provide a clear understanding of how and what was done or what could be done to alternate anything that has been salvaged.







Formula to Alternating Universes Step One.




     This is a guide to the formula of alternating universe(s), and subject due to error is not at fault to author.  This provides step by step evaluation and detection through innovative proccesses that allow this formula to function.



     The display of the formula consists of four zeros, all indicated for the prompt function of four count or (byte) areas of development through the formula regulations as four-type based operations through two pairs of coordinates (x, y) and (x, y) and/or (x1, y2) and (x2, y1) [irrelevance to the order by which each coordinate was given].



     Distinct forward operations suggest that the "Operator" of such using the formula be given the choice to suspend (1), direct (2), and splice (3).  Each event is given the aspect of knowledge based upon a graph given by the formula.  The main objective is to keep the formula going until it reaches infinity amount of any supportive function, thus allowing superficial data to be harvested around each numerical value.  This sample of data is used to amount the recollection of how this event was placed as (1) to evaluate the accumulative data on which numerical value is in the area of effect and what data is out of the equation line as mentioned the "alternating universe".  Since it is impossible to write down each equation that could possibly be used to (direct) a formula or graph into an area of effect, this is subject to undeveloped data.  When the formula is used properly in the (2) format, the data is cancelled out and added beyond the re-occurance of any factor.  Thus, the profound errors or advanced detection of errors will provide an action of sequence.  This sequence is provided by and will always be provided by the sample format of the "formula to alternating universes".  Since the dynamic stasis of the formula is occuring to always provide the same function twice in a row, before any other function could be completed; the science of altercation and liberation of a factor must include the direct fissure and understanding that each and every static placement of the formula is used by the operator as a (2) placement.  There is only one way to "splice" or altercate the formula output in any way shape or form.  This means that every time the system of equations has an (A, O) and (A, A); that the remaining values do not provide a willing change unless indicated by the negative value of (A, O).  This will allow the cancellation of the event, but provide the next event with the following remainder, which by chance would look like this in any formal given time frame. X(-AA) + (O,A) allowing both heireditary prompts to be evaluted as such, X(+O, A) - (+ A, A). Notice that there is only one altercation that could be used in this example.  That is X(+O, A) to O(X, X) + (O, A) as OXXA and O, A: (OXXA OAAO) which is also similar to the second example, (AXXO AOOA) as done by the mirror effect associated with the formula itself.



     The mirror effect is a given.  The sample is understood that each value is negative and positive first; before positive and negative.  Leaving each component able to be viewed as a cancellation or a deprivation of its latitude and longitude.  Very well meaning that each probability of any factor will be the component of itself and used as an ability to read as the direct opposite within itself.



Formula to Alternating Universes:




0000//// OOOO +-(O, A) +- (O, A) +- (A, O) -- unit 1



0000\\\\ AAAA  +- (A, O) +- (A, A) +- (O. A)  -- unit 2




 Sample 1: Filter of Formula to Alternating Universes, (d)irect and (s)tatic.






0000//// +-(O, A) +-((A, O) +-A, O))



0000\\\\ +-(A, O) +-(A, A) +-(O, A).






0000//// +-(O,A +-A, O) +-(A, O)



0000\\\\ +-(A, O) +-(A, A) +-(O, A).




Formula to Alternating Universes Step Two.




     Knowing what the formula does and how it is used guarantees the safety point in which every obstacle is understood.  The basic word problem for what is used to describe the second step:I am in an enclosed cube, how much space do I take up when my mass is equal to the outside mass of (air, land, sea) that is outside my cube.  My mass is "ALS" but not equivalent to the negative "ALS" inside the cube, which is "x".  When "y" is the mass of my body, what is the total mass inside the cube and outside the cube with my body mass if the outside area of ALS is scaled by meters.



Underlining factor: X= Body mass and +ALS, -ALS3 + Body mass, ALS= (area outside cube), -ALS (volume or mass minus the body inside the area of the cube), Y= x3-(-ALS)3



Equation Sample One:



y= x3-(-ALS)3(y-x) or "Surround the cube into equal cubes and encompass it. This creates the +ALS and the change to any single cube".




Equation Sample Two:



y= 27x-a3 "ALS minus the surrounding volume, cancelled out therefore given the volume of a single cube".




     This is how the formula views and edits geometric values, such as the equations above to show the distinct value of each single mode, and overall "legacy" distribution of change to each single cube.  Notice that the +ALS is not equal to the -ALS, because of the "body" inside the cube.  Also notice that the +ALS is also two pyramids and one of them is upside down connecting the two bottoms of the pyramids.



     The maximum height of the dual pyramid is also "3 units", the second base of the pyramid is "irrational", and the top of the pyramid is "rational to the first base".  Thus making the existence of this pyramid irrational for any purpose of any geometric value, unless the base is a cross or x-axis and y-axis combined, with the third base, directly in the center of the third base single unit cube.


     This is the exact sample of what the formula is used for, given that the single cube is used as a "9 units" minus "1 unit" centered.  This creates a ripple effect of the corresponding units that are adjacent to the equal sides of the pyramid.  Thus, allowing access to all points in the graphing "area of effect", changing everything with one single act or consequence. "5 units" of the second base, is more than half the value of the first base of "9 units", and the third base is less than half the value of the the two sectioned bases, making the third base 20% of the second base.  The effect is at value with the sections of fraction prime.  The second base is "5 units", a cross and is resembled as "four less than five units", making one single cube as the third tier or third base. If the two top tiers are dropped from the third tier, that gives the immediate development of the score, "6 units (second and third base) leaves one single cube, directly in the center of impact leaving 5 divided by (2.5 minus 5) divided by 2 of (1 single cube) is written as: [((5/2)-5)/2]".



     The section of an impact gives us the details of 1 single cube, and 1/4 the "deterriorated" cube with no center.  This 25% of the four single cubes surrounding the perimeter of the second tier single cube center.  It is also 20% of the five single unit cubes that make up the second tier.  5 is gained by the total of "6 units (top two tiers) minus the area of the first base count 1 units".  This gives two advantages, (1) impact outcome and (2) mirror effect of reverse pyramid using first base, to evaluate what happened to tier two and three.  This is still a pyramid. As two triangles, or four part squares.  It also resembles the action that it gave to impact of the direct course.  To gain this center prime effect, you must drop another impact of the first tier into the bottom two tiers.



     This is the add/cancel sequence provided by the center of impact, you can add more +ALS and generate a different universe; but for learning purposes the general affect is centered at "9 units minus 1 unit centered".  The "1/4 deterriorated cube" is subject to allowance that every fourth integer is turned into a whole, given the positioned aspect of the integer cube.  This gives each integer a chance to change in interval, to a fifth to make a decimal or fraction.  Note that the interval is used as five actions to create the same numerator.  This is known as 25% of 100% of 20 which is 5.  Please note that it takes three intervals to change -1.25 to -.25 or -2.25, but to complete the whole series to change the (+-.25), it must be score four intervals including the next interval to account for a change in dynamic numerical consultation of the perimeter outside the whole number as a whole.



     To control the area of effect, the initial stage of which the control of effect depicted in this solution is that 1 of 4 is going to be the next target, or is the next target.  Probability that the next stage will change equals 5 (Sample #1 Totality). Therefore we amend the four "0000", of the two that exists in totality.  We are left with a remainder if we divide by 5, which is 1.  This is half of what could happen next, therefore the closer the integer interval is, will resemble more closely what the next step or how it will occur.



Sample #1 Totality: Probability of Change.



4*1 =4



2*2 =4



1*4 =4



3+1 =4



2+2 =4




Formula to Alternating Universes: Mirror Step Three.




     The quick and easy way to understand the mirror and the bottom two tiers, from the first base is to control the (2) crowding advantage and (1) probability of impact in this order.  The only way to figure this out is to find a fraction based on the intermediate level of the organized selection of impact of the top three tiers.  We have 25% induced to incline the apprehension of one single cube.  But we are working in four intervals, and looking to examine the first interval which was the area of effect for the first collapse.



     To set up a second collapse is the answer.  And to do that, you inverse the decimal value, as a negative.  Which 1.25 is now -1.25; but has to be in fraction form that can be reduced.  The easiest way to understand this, is the collapse is also relative to the example of collapse in integers of the numerator, and the static, denominator.  If there is a problem, you can always double up on the two values by integers 2 and/or 5.  5/4 or 1.25 is equal to ((5/2)- 5)/2 which is -1.25; it is safe to say that (2.5-5 = ((2.5)- (5))/2) is also -5/4 and -2 and 2/4ths divided by 2) which leaves .25 behind or in the future.  This is the "error of margin" and not the "margin of error".  "Error of Margin", always comes first in any math done to solve an equation with error.  The second error that occurs is always the "Margin of Error".  Margins are always calculated in percent. .25 becomes 25%; take the last number and delete the numbers ahead of it, or take the last number of the decimal format and delete all numbers before it.  Add a total of whole integer "1" before the value, because of what it takes to evaluate the number as a whole change, the last number is what you want, 1.5% is the answer, but there is also one other thing to understand, to get the "margin of error", you can easily skip any steps to get it by doing this: if it is a integer "5", it can be corrected as 1.2 or 2.1; because we a formatted in the values that interact with integer "2" or "5".  Notice that they don't interact unless used together as 2*5, or 2/5 which is (.40).



     The next step is to calculate that if it is based in whole numbers and rational fractions, then the outcome will be equal to "double or trouble", meaning that if it can't be doubled and used, then you're in trouble.  Integer 5 and integer 2 does not always double, but in certain terms will double.



     The last step to understanding the formula and mirror is that the mirror is a object that is created in a programming universe or mathematical universe that allows the current "project" or "output" to define the next solution as it would be projected throughout the series of outcomes or "input".  This makes the glass reflect, each double is measured by percent from now on, and used as a socket to develop the data consumed and all work to complete the object variable, that allows any intervention to be calculated as a secondary source of data retrieval and measured in volume or mass.  The double-down of a percent is half of the percent or divided by 2 of the percent each time, and when it is a divisible by integer 10, then it is halve percent using integer 5.




This concludes the document to understanding how the alternating universe formula works.  A quick summary of what was said above will amount to the knowledge not known:



Q:  "What to do with the error of margin and margin of error"



A:  Complete everything first without using the margins, and then calculate what the margins were trying to say after you completed it for every possible outcome.




Q:  "What to do if you have irrational numbers?"



A:  Then you are a computer programmer, or mathematician, you must understand that anything related to those numbers is related to all the consumption of data related to the occurrance of related arguments.  To draft this, graph the volume in +ALS and do the word problem and equations.




Q:  "What if I want to find all of the 'ALS?'"



A:  Then you will find that the alternating universe formula is a never ending formula that wants all data available at a recall of events that tragically ended the equation itself into a variable equation that is depicted in the environment that allowed the equation to exist.  Thus making the environment available upon request at any given time, to manipulate numbers in a manner of reasonable doubt.



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