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Explicit Tendencies.


1.    Value Error & Constraint.


a.    Assembly and Lexical Analysis.
b.    Duplicating Hex-Code for White spacing.
c.    Inserting modified modules and Value Error Library.
d.    Mathematical models to determine probability.
e.    Kernels and their Domain or Dominion Prime.
f.    Cross-over of Value Error and Run-Time Library.


2.    Quadratic & Error: Key Principles.


a.    Limit (lim) of occurring data.
b.    Using the Radicand for multiple data structures.
c.    Equation for using (lim) into the Radicand precursor.
d.    Assembly with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Destroy).
e.    BiOS CRUD isolating details of Error Code: 0x.
f.    Stated Limits within the Quadratic.


3.    Recording Data within a Pipeline.


a.    Remember everything was built to record data.
b.    Pipeline was only created to make sense.
c.    Tell-tale teachers say “Never re-invent the wheel”.
d.    Hacking proportions within a Pipeline.
e.    Disposal of Record and Private.
f.    Understanding how “Hacking” is used to “Create the Wheel”.


4.    Experimental Projects that use “Create the Wheel”.


a.    Cobra PL.
b.    Eclipse IDE.
c.    Text Editors.
d.    Imaging Software.
e.    Orbiting a (lim).
f.    Entering a BiOS.


5.    WebGL: The Successor to [Cloud].


a.    Hidden Type Data Structures.
b.    Returning Optimal Data Types and Sub-Types.
c.    Using existing code to hide data.
d.    Cloud vs Hidden Type.
e.    Orbital Cloud vs Explicit Data Structure.
f.    Orbital Cloud: (lim) precursor and “Evolving System Complex”.



Orbital Cloud: "Evolving System Complex".

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