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Triangulation into Memory Cells.

Revising, Editing, Modifying, Splicing and Transporting to Copy Memory Cells.


0000//// +-(O, A +-A, O) +-(A, O)

0000\\\\ +-(A, O) +-(A, A) +-(O, A).

1(S1). |O, A| + |A, O| - |A, O| + |A, A| + |A, O| - |O, A| = |A, A| + |A, O|
2(S1). |O, A| + |A, A| + |A, O| - |O, A| - |A, O| + |A, O| = |A, A| + |A, O|
3(S1). |O, A| - |O, A| + |A, O| + |A, A| - |A, O| + |A, O| = |A, A| + |A, O|
4(S1). |O, A| + |A, A| + |A, O| - |A, O| + |A, O| - |O, A| = |A, A| + |A, O|


The binary we are going to use for mathematical formulas within the "formula", will be based on binary numbers 1, 2, 4, 8: 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000.


Within the above outcome with the formula, we are going to dedicate these series of patterns to math within the formula. There will be 4 different categories. Those categories will have a boolean package associated with each of them (Ada progamming). The idea is to have the boolean packages determine which (category) to use. Now we can't dedicate more than four possibilities, so in each category the computer will use a series of formulas and output a mass calculation based within the category. You can pick out one of the formulations using a string to communicate which one to output, but for easy understanding it will find all formulations within that category.


For the booleans we will use the secondary pattern outcome. We can do this because it starts with the same pattern to link each thing logically.


1(S2). |A, O| - |A, O| + |O, A| + |A, A| + |A, O| - |O, A| = |A, A| + |A, O|
2(S2). |A, O| + |A, A| + |O, A| - |A, O| + |A, O| - |O, A| = |A, A| + |A, O|
3(S2). |A, O| + |O, A| - |O, A| + |A, A| - |A, O| + |A, O| = |A, A| + |A, O|
4(S2). |A, O| + |A, A| + |O, A| - |O, A| - |A, O| + |A, O| = |A, A| + |A, O|


We will use the 1(S2) for boolean, and the rest for splice (2), edit/modify (3) and transport (4).


I chose 1 S(2) for boolean because it is diametrically different from the rest, with the second term - |A, O| a negative. The boolean should have the mathematical expressions that derive from relativity in mathematics expressed on this website. Using the logical formulations to develop an understanding the request. For instance: the boolean will try to figure out the answer within the pre-defined library, execute and initialize the expected outcome within a pattern and extend the pattern that was created with the static formulation. The annexation will be added to the end, or continue to the next step in splicing/modifying/ then transport the memory cells into a logical destintion for performance. The next step is to evaluate the pattern to find the pattern that was created, then add that pattern to the first: link can be found here


5(X1). |O, A| - |O, A| + |A, O| - |A, O| + |A, O| + |A, A| = |A, O| + |A, A|


This pattern will be used to store the expressive patterns and accumulate the design into a new sequence, separating the original pattern to the secondary pattern for a system that allows modification to only the specific part, letting the memory cells link to the original or vice versa. I don't believe they can be linked both ways due to logical errors that a memory cell pipeline would crash the system or lag it out.


The split of patterns will allow isolating errors (a), revising logic (b), providing a study of the pattern that was made (c) and a total "reverb" of the pattern as a whole, using the 5(X1) as the new slot holder for the "reverbation" which means when you torrent a file, it creates a hash code with the information on how to build or download the file, like this you can specifically have a relative "reverb" that allows the computer to piece together the files and arrange them in order. The "reverb" is just a complete encryption that allows the computer to re-arrange and find files from a code that can build a file based on the hash code. That way, you won't have multiple files with the same patterns, or else this formula would be useless. This is called the "living system pattern identity".



The graphics user intefance (GUI) will be built with 5(X2): 


5(X2). |A, O| - |A, O| + |O, A| - |O, A| + |A, O| + |A, A| = |A, O| + |A, A|


The idea for this is to divide the binary in mathematical categories into solutions that allow very diverse and unexplained patterns to link each one to a specific graphic idea. There is a pattern for this in math, that is why there is only one 5(X2) to do this, there's no need to dedicate more versions of this pattern for the fact that: it will be coded to not be isolated (the Ada programming theory), with a library that includes hex codes, and primary colors the output is endless. The hardware is the basic for GUI, with software being secondary to express the GUI. (I'm saying hardware, because the code in any language is pre-determined, and linked to the hardware coding).


The secondary part to this is using binary numbers to be used as patterns within the formula to exactly find relation towards the pattern, using a specific code in binary to evaluate and imitate itself for the possibility that the patterns would be binary, so if that were true the methodology would be simple that: it can be read easier than binary, used much faster and have more parameters. The complete dissociative properties would lead to a structure tree, the computer would understand only that the pattern is true/false, undefined, and can be modified by specific binary functions.


The basic adoption of this would be that this would not be a programming language, but an easier way to automate programming code and to develop suggestions from the computer that we would not see. It would be theoretical brainstorming and the study of "living system pattern identity": which the the reverbartion of a number, series of patterns or connectivity within numbers to further the development of "The Theory of Relativity" within numbers.


The triangulation theory would be used for explicit transporting memory cells, if things could be automated faster within coding, the possibilities would be endless.










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