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Triangulation Continued: In Relation to Relativity. And Percentages in Geometric Values (Radar 360 degree rotations). Green is relation, blue is first angle depiction, and magenta is the secondary depiction. [From the cryomantic tab continued.]

a = 160
b = 20
c = 2
d = 65
d = a**2 + b**2 :: e / b**2
e = 26000
f = g/a
f = 1625
f = e(b) / c / a
g = 260,000

g = a(f)
g = e(b) / c
a(f) = e(b) / c
a**2 + b**2 = e / b**2
160**2 + 20**2 = 26,000 / 400; 65
a**2 + b**2 = e / b**2  [65]
25,600[a**2] + 400[b**2] = 26,000 / 400 = 65; d;
a**2 + b**2 = e(b) / c / a((f = e :: b / c)) = 260,000
25600 + 400 = 26,000(20) / 2 / 160 = 160(1625) = 260,000)
f = e(b) / c / a = e(b) / c / a = 1625
1625 = 26,000 / 2 / 160 =
f = 1625 * a = e(b) / c / a((f = e :: b / c )) = 260,000
a(f) = e(b) / c
160(1625) = 260,000(20) / (2)
a(f) = a(f = e :: b / c)
1625 = 26,000(20) / 2 / 160 = 26,000(20) / 2 / 160 = f






a = 150
b = 30
c = 2
d = 26: a**2 + b**2 = e / b**2 = d or a**2 + b**2 :: e / b**2
d = 26

e = 23400
f = g / a
f = e(b) / c / a
g = 351,000
a(f) = e(b) / c
g = a(f)
g = e(b) / c



x = 1.25% * 160 = 2; "c" [1.25 * 80 = 100; "80" * "c" = 160; a]
y = 10%   * 20  = 2; "c" [10  * 10  = 100; "10" * "c" = 20;  b]

therefore y = 50% * 20 = 10; y * y = 100, y * c = 20; b
y * c = b;



1440 = f(x) = z(s%(f(x));

z(s%(f(x)) = 1440(s%(160f(20x)) / 360;



s% = 180 - 90(right angle) * 50% + b = d;


1440(180 - 90 * .50 + 20) / 360;


1440 * 65 = 93,600 / 360 = 260;


1440(65) / 360; = 260



260 * 10% = 26 = a + b (150 + 30) = 150a + 30a + 150b + 30b =
180a + 180b = 26;

(180a * 180b) - (180b * 26) = 180a(180b) - 26(180b) = 32400ab - 4680b = f(z) / 360 = 90ab - 13b = z

1440 = f(x) = z(s(f(x));

90ab - 13b(180 - 90 * 50% + b: 20) = (2340b - 1170b) * 6.5b + 260b = 2340b / 360 = 6.5; [90 * 13 = 1170 * 20 = 23,400 / 360 = 65; 65 * 260 = 16,900 * 36x / 26; 23,400, 1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26; 16,900 / 13 = 1300]

4680b / 1170b = c**2; 4;

4680b / 1170b * 1170b = 4680b

4680b / 1170b = 4; c**2;

1170 * 4 = 4680b / 1170b = 4; z;

z = 90ab - 13b
z /= /0 as ab*

16200ab - 8100ab + 45ab + 1800ab

1440 = f(x) = z(s(f(x));
90ab - 13b(180 - 90 * 50% + b: 20) = (2340b - 1170b) * 6.5b + 260b = 2340b / 360 = 6.5; [90 * 13 = 1170 * 20 = 23,400 / 360 = 65; 65 * 260 = 16,900 * 36x / 26; 23,400, 1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26; 16,900 / 13 = 1300]

ab{1} * b{1} = b{2} * b = 23,400 / 360 = d; d * 260{1440 * 65 = 93,600 / 360 = 260;} = 16,900 * 36x / 26{1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26}; 23,400; d * 260 = 16,900 * 36 / 26 = 23,400;

ab{1} * b{1} = b{3} * [x]/[] = d
b{1} * {b} = [x]
[x] / 360 = d;
d * {260 as q} = {q1}
{q1} * {36x not array} / {26 as q{3}} = b{2}
{E = 1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26}
{q1} / {13 as {q{4}} = {x = 2340 / {b} * {a} / {a + b}; {a * {a / a + b} * {2b} / (a + b + a + b) = {q1} / {q4}

ab{1} * b{1} = b{3}
b{1} * {b} = [x]
[x] * (a + b + a + b) = d;
d * {q} = {q1}
{q1} * {x::x} / {q3} = b{3}
d * {E = 1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26} / {q4} = +(E); 10% scale, for programming method if you want just take out 10%.
E = {q3}[E = e{count}] = -b{2} / {b} * {a1} / {a + b} * {a2} * {b::2} / {a + b + a + b} = -(E);

Data mining into -2340, it turns to be prime when in relation to 20, and 160 doesn't give a specific answer. 2340/20 is 117. 117 * 160 which is "a" in the first set, is 18,720 divide by 180 is 104. Taking the second part "a" which is 150, 150 * 104 = 15,600 and times that by the second part "b" which is 30, 15,600 * 30 = 468,000 divide by circle, 360, 468,000 /  360 is 1,300.

The above is a mistake, just showing a relation: Here is the real deal: 32400 * 65 / 360 = 23,400; 4680 * 65 / 360 is 845;

32,400ab * 65 / 360 = 23,400;
23400 / 4680 = 5;
4680 * 65b / 360 = 845;
90ab - 13b = z;
ab * b / 360 = c**2 * 4680b / 1170b (from false relation);
= 16
ab * b / 360 = c**2 * 4680b / (anything b: 1170, or 170 * 4680b = 795600 / 4680b = 170;
32,400 / 360 = 90;


Above, 13b * 65 = 845; 90 * 65 = 5850; 5850 * (a + b = 180) = 1,053,000 / 360 = 2952; 2952 * c: 2 = 5850;


This proves the graph below on the incrementation of an area of effect, meaning: 36x + 13 + 65(180a) + 65b(11700a) /> 1/180 =

36x(180) + 13(180) + 65(180a)(180) + 65b(11700a)(180) /> 1

6480x    + 2340    + 2,106,000a     + 136,890,000ab  /> 1


                     divide 2,106,000a into 136,890,00ab


x        + 2340    +  a         + 65b         /> 1

x                  +  a         + 65b         /> -2340


a and b don't represent (a + b) = 180, but two different terms that co-exist. In this statement, everything was multiplied by 180, derived from 36, and "a" was taken out of 136,890,000ab, due to the fact that everything was derived from 36 and the multipler being 180, a straight line or a triangle, the area of effect would be anything related to 136,890,000ab becoming 65b. Thinking that the obvious question how do you relate, what is the formula? Apparently there can never be one, and is subjective to certain number incremetations and relativity.


Data mining into -2340, it turns to be prime when in relation to 20, and 160 doesn't give a specific answer. 2340/20 is 117. 117 * 160 which is "a" in the first set, is 18,720 divide by 180 is 104. Taking the second part "a" which is 150, 150 * 104 = 15,600 and times that by the second part "b" which is 30, 15,600 * 30 = 468,000 divide by circle, 360, 468,000 /  360 is 1,300.

1440 = f(x) = z(s(f(x));

90ab - 13b(180 - 90 * 50% + b: 20) = (2340b - 1170b) * 6.5b + 260b = 2340b / 360 = 6.5; [90 * 13 = 1170 * 20 = 23,400 / 360 = 65; 65 * 260 = 16,900 * 36x / 26; 23,400, 1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26; 16,900 / 13 = 1300


The area of effect may be the representation of the constant, -2340 changing in each different set of the equation, but I don't know exactly what it would mean, how would that information be used in order to gain something in return.


This is another stepping stone, although there may never be a formula there is alway a relation for why we use 180 degrees, 360 degrees and 90 degrees. Back when this was first used, there had to be a reason why it was these numbers that were being used. It's this way for a reason, was it a secret intelligence?




since 90 is derived from 32400, and 13 is from 4680... we take those numbers and times them by 65 which is (180 - 90 * .5 + 20)


[ This is a little confusing; the only relation 2340 and 1170 have is they are half of each other. The above formula divided by 360 degree circle, therefore it is derived from a circle itself...there would be no reason to further this into 360. But if this was a graph, every 4 of 1170 or 2 of 2340 would be divisible by 360 (circle). ] vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


Second partial is about the relation to the percentage in geometry and the value, coming back out as the percentage, in the form of is over of, percent over a hundred formula. 90 / 360 = 0.25


90ab - 2340b / 360 = 6.5b / 10% = 0.25ab - 65b = 0.25(160*20) - 65(20) = 0.25(3200) - 1300 = 800 - 1300 = 500 / b = 25


25 is .25 of what percent 25 * 100, x * .25 = 2500 = .25x; 2500 / .25x is 10,000 or 100% increase. Moving the decimal place two places to the left turns it into a percentage. .25 to the right is 25% if we move left to figure out the percentage of what 10,000:


Incerpt for why we move two decimals to the left:


"So why didn't we show you these steps in the slideshow? Because you can get the answer without them. You know that all percents are out of 100, so you can skip making the percent into a fraction. You have to divide the percent by 100 to get a decimal, but there's a quick way to do that. Just move the decimal point two spaces to the left! This way, you can get the same answer with just one easy step."


z(s(f(x)) = 1440(s(160f(20x)) / 360;


s% = 180 - 90(right angle) * 50% + b = d;


1440(180 - 90 * .50 + 20) / 360;

1440 * 65 = 93,600 / 360 = 260;


1440(65) / 360; = 260 * 10% = 26;


This is where the are related to each other, finding that 26 in "d" for the second part of the angles compared to the first, the items add to the "g" of the first part angles above. I got 2600 from "is over of and percent over a hundred formula". 26 * 100 and 180 * % = 180% = 2600 divide by 180% (a + b) is always 180.


You have to do 2600 / 1.80 = 1444.4444444444444444444444444444 * 180 = 260,000

180b = 2600 / 180% = 1444.4444444444444444444444444444 * (a + b) = 260,000 = g;


(a + b) = 180;


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